1991-1996, manufacturer of medical diagnostic tests, Dartford, Kent Murex Diagnostics Limited 1991 - 1996
1991-current (2009), electronics display and video manufacturer, Taiwan Grandtec Electronics Corporation 1991
active 1990- current (2009), suppliers of medical training product, Bristol, England Limbs and Things Limited 1990
1992-current (2012), developer and manufacturer of robotic equipment, New Zealand Industrial Research Limited 1992
1991-current (2011), manufacturer of electrical equipment, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, England Dyson Appliances Limited 1991
1991-(current 2010), manufacturer of sexual health products, Thatcham, England Sutherland Health Limited 1991
active 1990-current (2008), developer and manufacturer of neurosurgical equipment, Welsh; British Magstim Company Limited 1990